I was a Science Teacher from National Taiwan Normal University-NTNU (Class-43) in the fields of Physics & Chemistry, and an outsider not professional trained in the field of Environment.
In 1957, I borrowed $50 and airfare to fly to the United States looking to further my education and opportunities. First, at Florida State University, I became a technical assistant working for Dr. Seymour Hess, head of Meteorology and an expert on the Atmosphere of Mars. I helped design very sensitive equipment (hygrometers) to measure "Water Vapor" in the atmosphere of Mars in an experiment to confirm that the white caps on Mars were Ice (Water) and. not frozen Carbon Dioxide.--- A NASA project--for future Martian-Exploration.
Then, in 1966, I came to New York, as a Research Assistant for Dr. Vincent J. Schaefer for $1.25 per hour, working for 10 hours a week, at the newly formed Atmospheric Sciences Research Center (ASRC) at UALBANY, (Foundered by four members of Dr. Irving Langmuir's term from GE-R/D Center ---Schaefer, Vonnegut, Blanchard & Falconer), and stayed at ASRC for 35 years. The State University of New York recognized me in 1978 with. The SUNY Chancellor Award for Excellence in Professional Service.
A major funding project (Dr. Volker A. Mohnen--Director of ASRC) from US-EPA with the cooperation of Chief-Scientist-Dr.Thomas T. Shen of the NYS-DEC and Scientists at RPI, allowed me to participate in a detailed investigation of the emissions from power plants (both from oil and coal burners), acid rain formation and their impact on our environment using the new modern equipment from the ASRC's Laboratory for Atmospheric Particulate Analysis (Manager-Cheng--Two First Awards for my Presentations at the INTER/MICRO-CONFERENCE (1970, 1972).. Four major reports were published, ALL, as Featured Cover Articles in: Journal of Air Pollution Control (1976, 1984), Analytical Chemistry (1987), EPA Report (1979) and Air Pollution and Control--book in Chinese (1985).
Dr. Petr Chylek of (NCAR and MIT) collaborated with my studies on Power Plant Emissions. We examined the radiative properties of clouds containing submicron soot particles as impurities. The soot particle is assumed to be distributed randomly inside cloud drops and enhances the visible light absorption in clouds, as well as to global pollution possibly affecting the earth's climate. Two major reports, deals with power plant emissions and their affect to our climate, were published in: Applied Optics, (1981) and, Journal of. Atmospheric. Sciences. (1984).
In the early years of 1970. Dr. Thomas T. SHEN (my Mentor, Teacher & Friend) drafted me to assist him working in the committee of the National & International Environmental Organizations--APCA(now-AWMS), CAPPS, IUAPPA......., He was a visionary & I was a go getter! Since early year of 1970, .I was member of OCEESA, and involved many Environmental Activities between Taiwan, China, USA and International. During the year (1975-1992) with Dr.Shen, we were the several committee member of APCA(now-AWMS)-(Power Plant Emissions , In-Door Air Quality, Acid Rain, Science Education...........), Especially, we both were in charge (as Chairman & Co-Chairman) of APCA-International Committee and as Session Chairman of Environment, during Annual Meetings for more than ten years. We always invited Environmental Researchers (two/year) from Taiwan, Hong-Kong, and .......(after 1980-China) to report at APCA Annual Meetings.
After President Nixon opened the door of China-1980, I was invited as A Chinese-American in a 35 members of delegation attending- The First US/CHINA CONFERENCE on ENERGY, RESOURCES and ENVIRONMENT-Beijing-1982. Again, I was only Chinese-American in a 14 members of delegation participating at US-CHINA AIR POLLUTION TECHNOLOGY WORKSHOP- Nanjing & Beijing-1985. At the request of Director of Taiwan-EPA, At the request by the invitation of Taiwan EPA, I arranged & leading a Delegation to the WORKSHOP on INDOOR AIR POLLUTION and ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ---Taipei-1989 with three TOP US-Scientists from Harvard, MIT & US-EPA.
At the request of Chinese National Council, a Delegation of OCEESA headed by Prof.Hung went to China-2001, conducting a Three Weeks of Technical Workshop in two provinces (Zhejiang & Jiangsu).
The members of OCEESA were:
Prof. Yung-Tse Hung---Cleveland State University---Air & Water Pollution--Head of Delegation
Dr. Larry K. Wang----Water Pollution Treatment
Dr. Mu-Hao Sung---- NYS Dept.of Environmental Conservation--Hazardous Waste Management.
James Huang------- NYS Dept.of Health---Radioactive Waste Management.
Roger J. Cheng------ASRC--UALBANY---Power Plant Emission & Acid Rain Formation
We had a reception at the Great Hall in the City of Beijing after the Workshop.
My last OCESSA activity was the METES in Taipei, Taiwan—2005 after my retirement form UALBANY at year of 2000 as EMERITUS (Research Scientist).
CHENG AWARDED-- “The Outstanding Alumnus Award of the Year 2010” from National Taiwan Normal University-CLASS-43. |